Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Miracle Grout Cleaner

The townhouse we live in is only a couple of years old, but I don't think the grout had been scrubbed since it was built! Rather than the pale beige it started out as, much of it had become a dark, grimy gray. It was not attractive. You never realize how much of a difference the color of the grout can make in a room until you finally clean it. But the difference is huge!

So, I took my beloved all natural All Purpose Cleaner to it with a scrub brush. I also used a bowl of soapy water, white distilled vinegar, and lemon juice to rinse the brush in. The result was astounding! The grout actually became its original color again and it's SO refreshing.

I love being able to clean effectively without any harsh, toxic, or cancer causing chemicals. Especially when you're cleaning around little kids or pets who inevitably lick everything, it can bring a lot of peace of mind. Plus, my all natural cleaners smell about a million times better. Sure, I felt a bit like Cinderella, down on my hands and knees, scrubbing the grout. But I also felt empowered and excited to be doing it on my own terms without having to depend on bleach or the like.

If you would like to learn more about how essential oils can benefit you and your family email me at rach.dorian@gmail.com! It's such a fun and exciting process leading a healthier, more non-toxic, chemical free lifestyle with essential oils that I love to mentor others in. You'll be surprised just how indispensable they become in your home.

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